Nähanleitung für das Schnittmuster Kleid Nora

Sewing instructions for the Nora dress pattern

Do you like wearing dresses in winter? The Nora dress is just right for this, unlined it looks vintage with thick tights and boots with a fur vest or a thick cardigan. You can also wear Nora in summer, no lining sticks to the body and fashionably combined with flat sandals, also a perfect piece for warmer days. Another plus point is the level of difficulty, as it is also ideal for beginners .

→ To the pattern “Nora”

Sewing instructions

Cut the pattern pieces according to the cutting plan, neaten and iron all seam allowances with an overlook machine. Parts fixed with inserts are first cut to size with a rough cut, then fixed and finally with a fine cut
cut after cutting.

1.) Sew the bust darts in the front according to the cutting mark and place them towards the armhole and iron.

Sewing instructions for the Nora dress pattern

2.) Sew the center back seam together, right side of fabric to right side of fabric.

3.) Secure the fixed facing at the back and front along the neck hole seam allowance with a 1cm wide shaping tape so that the neck hole cannot expand.

Sewing instructions for the Nora dress pattern

4.) Turn the neck hole of the dress with the facings right sides together.

Sewing instructions for the Nora dress pattern

5.) Clip in seam allowances in the curves and in the center front so that the curves and the lace can be laid and ironed out better.

6.) Stitch the ironed neck hole edge 0.5cm wide.

7.) Sew side and shoulder seams together, right sides together.

8.) Sew the sleeve flounce right sides together to the corresponding sleeve edge.

9.) Sew the sleeve seam together, right sides together.
Sewing instructions for the Nora dress pattern

11.) Turn the sleeve to the right side of the fabric and sew it into the corresponding armhole after snipping and sewing the side/underarm seam.

12.) Fold in the sleeve hem 2 x 0.5cm and topstitch it, iron the hem 3cm wide according to the pattern and topstitch it.

Sewing instructions for the Nora dress pattern

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